At just 18 days new, little Cooper certainly had his charming talents perfected. He was so alert yet calm and relaxed the entire session, that we even managed to capture him in dad’s hands awake and still – not an easy thing, even with a sleepy bub!

I had the pleasure of photographing Jason and Natara when they got married in March 2017, so when I received a message from Natara asking if I would come and capture their newest addition, I was beyond thrilled! Entering their gorgeous home to see so many of my favourite images from their wedding day framed on their walls was so humbling.

Their wonderful home yielded so many amazing little nooks of photographer gold! We shot everywhere – bedrooms, hallway and even the kitchen. Their beautiful loving connections was so perfectly captured in every little moment spend with Cooper. He is truly surrounded by so much love! Thanks Jason & Natara for inviting me to once again capture your books newest chapter! xx